The College of Blessed Herman the Cripple
Most often known as simply “Blessed Herman”, this college is based at Adelaide University in South Australia, and associated with the Barony of Innilgard. Generally, the people of this college are known as ‘Hermanites’. Find out more about them here.
The motto of Blessed Herman is “Primus Inter Pares”, or “first among equals”. They are known for their great bards and songwriters, and for being very ‘humble’.

The College of St Ursula
This college is based at the University of Sydney in NSW, and is associated with the Barony of Rowany. The people of this college are known as ‘Ursulans’. Find out more about them here.
Ursulans are associated with carrots. Their motto is “Sola Vera Schola”, or “The One True College”, a reference to the age old dispute between St Ursula and Blessed Herman over which college is the oldest in Lochac.

The College of St Basil the Great
This college operates out of the University of Western Australia, and is associated with the Barony of Aneala. The people of this college are usually called Basilisks. Find out more about them here.
It is said all of St Basil is a Fawlty Towers reference. Their heraldry certainly is, and it took years before they were able to get it registered. Basilisks like to call out “BOOM BOOM” as a salute to their glorious college!

The College of St Crispin
The College of St Crispin comes from Newcastle University in NSW, and is associated with the Barony of Mordenvale. The people of this college are known as ‘Crispies’. Find out more about them here.

The College of St Christina the Astonishing
The College of St Christina the Astonishing is based out of Flinders University in South Australia, and is also associated with the Barony of Innilgard. The most astonishing thing about the College of St Christina the Astonishing is that it died in the 90s and came back to glorious life in 2021, thanks to the efforts of some very dedicated people. Find out more about them at their website or their Facebook.
The people from this college are known as Chrissies or Christinians. The duck is sacred to their college, and the members like to make quacking noises. Their motto is “ex cinere nos volant” or, “from ashes we fly”, a reference to the college’s revival, and possibly also ducks.
The Dormant Colleges
Sometimes we lose a college because of a lack of members. Don’t let this happen to us!
The College of St Bartholomew – Known as “St Bart’s”, it was once the college situated at Melbourne University, and now it is dead. Be still in our hearts, St Bart’s! Ashes to ashes, dust to dust…
The College of St Aldhelm – It was once based at the Australian National University, in the Australian Capital Territory.
The College of St Cecilia – This college was once located at La Trobe University, in Victoria.
The College of St Aemigdius – It was once based out of Victoria University in New Zealand.
The College of St Kessog – This college was once situated at the University of Otago in New Zealand.
The College of St Andronicus – Once based out of the University of Canberra in the Australian Capital Territory.
The College of St Lazarus – Once based out of Murdoch University in Western Australia. Legend says they will rise again, and be greeted with open arms by the College of St Basil
The College of St Gildas the Wise – It was once based at the University of Tasmania.
The College of St Malachy – It was once based at the University of Wollongong in NSW. People from this college were known as ‘Malachites’.