The Known World
All of the places on the globe where the SCA is present is called ‘The Known World’. The Known World is broken up into twenty kingdoms, which are:

Lochac – Australia and New Zealand; parts of Antarctica
Drachenwald – Europe, Africa, Middle East
Avacal – CANADA: eastern British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan
An Tir – USA: Oregon, Washington, the northern tip of Idaho, CANADA: most of British Columbia, Yukon and Northwest Territories
The West Kingdom – USA: Northern California, Nevada and Alaska, ASIA: Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Pacific Rim
Caid – USA: Southern California, Greater Las Vegas Area, and Hawaii
Artemisia – USA: Montana, Utah, southern Idaho, and Western Wyoming (Evanston, Green River, and Rock Springs)
Atenveldt – USA: Arizona
Outlands – USA: New Mexico, Colorado, parts of Nebraska; Eastern Wyoming, and El Paso & Hudspeth counties in Texas.
Northshield – USA: North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, CANADA: Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario.
Calontir – USA: Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Northern Arkansas.
Ansteorra – USA: Oklahoma, and Texas east of the Mountain time zone, as well as the International Space Station.
Ealdormere – CANADA: Ontario (except for Essex County, and Northwestern Ontario around Thunder Bay.)
Middle Kingdom – USA: Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Scott County in Iowa, Kentucky (except the southwest counties), CANADA: Essex County and Windsor in Ontario.
Gleann Abhann – USA: Mississippi, Louisiana, most of Arkansas, and Memphis, Tennessee
Meridies – USA: Alabama, almost all of Georgia, a bit of the Florida panhandle, most of Tennessee, and parts of southern Kentucky (Allen, Barren, Calloway, Logan, Simpson, and Warren counties).
Trimaris – USA: Majority of Florida; lays claim to Panama.
Æthelmearc – USA: central/western Pennsylvania, western New York, and West Virginia.
Atlantia – USA: Maryland, District of Columbia, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Augusta, Georgia.
East Kingdom – USA: eastern Pennsylvania, eastern New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, CANADA: Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Newfoundland.
The Kingdom of Lochac
A kingdom has baronies, shires, cantons and colleges. For information about the Colleges of Lochac, click here. Otherwise, the baronies, shires and cantons of the Kingdom of Lochac are:
The Barony of Aneala – Western Australia
The Barony of Ildhafn – Auckland, NZ
The Barony of Innilgard – South Australia
The Barony of Krae Glas – South/East Melbourne, VIC
The Barony of Mordenvale – Newcastle, NSW
The Barony of Politarchopolis – Australia Capital Territory
The Barony of River Haven – Brisbane, QLD
The Barony of Rowany – Sydney, NSW
The Barony of Southron Gaard – Christchurch, NZ
The Barony of St Florian de la Riviere – South Brisbane, QLD
The Barony of Stormhold – North/West Melbourne, VIC
The Barony of Ynys Fawr – Tasmania
The Shire of Adora – Illawarra, NSW
The Shire of Bordescros – Albury and Wagga Wagga, NSW
The Shire of Darton – Wellington, NZ
The Shire of Dismal Fogs – Blue Mountains, NSW
The Canton of Burnfield – Bundaberg, QLD
The Canton of Cluain – Waikato, NZ
The Canton of Dragons Bay – Rockingham Region, WA
The Canton of Lightwood – Huon Valley
The Canton of Okewaite – Goulburn, NSW
The Canton of Stegby – Warwick, Stanthorpe, QLD
The Canton of Stowe on the Wowld – Western Sydney, NSW
The Canton of Torlyon – Yass, NSW